Data Management Plan
The Report is of Confidential (CO) Dissemination Level.
Project Handbook and Quality Assurance Plan
Local demand response and control schemes for different demonstrators
View the report
Obstacles that currently hinder the development and operation of local integrated energy systems
Conditions for socio-economic development and citizen engagement in energy islands
Comprehensive analytic framework that covers all socio-economic criteria
Technical measures to be taken in different neighbourhood/ buildings
Techno-economic feasibility of a smart grid and local E-car concept
Installation of energy monitoring and data gathering systems at 3 local energy complexes
Technical, socio-economic-institutional schemes and applications for each of the 3 demo cases analysed in Przywidz
Plan for dissemination, exploitation and replication, and communication strategy
SERENE website & social media presence
SERENE Press Release
POPD – Requirement No. 1
H – Requirement No. 2
EPQ – Requirement No. 3
Title of the Journal/Proc./Book: 2022 International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and Technologies (SEST)
Title of the Journal/Proc./Book: 2022 57th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC)
Title of the Journal/Proc./Book: 2022 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT-Europe)
Title of the Journal/Proc./Book: 38th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition
Title of the Journal/Proc./Book: The Innovation Platform, Issue 11, September 2022
Title of the Journal/Proc./Book: 2022 2nd International Conference on Energy Transition in the Mediterranean Area (SyNERGY MED)
Title of the Journal/Proc./Book: Pomorski Inżynier, ISSN2300-9780|IV Kwartał 2023|Nr 4/2023 (41)
A socio-technical compendium of fact sheets on how to ‘do’ the local energy transition