It gives us pleasure to report that prof. Birgitte Bak-Jensen, a project coordinator of SERENE and SUSTENANCE, was among the speakers at the workshop held on 11th of October 2023, organised as a part of the 21st European Week of Regions and Cities in Brussels.

The workshop entitled “Energy transition – making local and regional solutions replicable for Europe” gathered many participants and turned out to be an excellent platform for discussions about energy transition to be done locally, and its challenges.

How can we best stimulate user engagement? How can we successfully replicate the findings? What should be the means to involve also rental citizens? These were some of the major social issues addressed during the workshop, and it was a great advantage to listen to three presentations, which treated social, technical and economical challenges from different angles.

Prof. Birgitte Bak-Jensen from AAU Energy gave her presentation about local paths towards energy transition based on experiences from two international projects covering altogether 9 demos located in EU and India, whereas other speakers were mr Iñigo Ansola Kareaga, Director General from Basque Energy Agency and mrs Janina Wilkos-Gad, a representative from the Municipality of Pruszcz Gdański from Poland. Ewa Domke, from the Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery, Polish Academy of Sciences (IMP PAN) was the moderator at the workshop.

More photos from the European Commitee of the Regions: