It is with pleasure that we can report that Marek Zimakowski – Mayor of the Municipality of Przywidz and Tomasz Herbasz – a project manager from Municipality of Przywidz, were invited to participate in the episode (as of 15 February 2023) of Polish regional television TVP3Gdańsk’s programme, entitled “ECONOMIC REPORT/in pl.: RAPORT GOSPODARCZY”, which is a series on the economic situation of the Pomeranian Region in Poland.
During the interview, Zimakowski and Herbasz introduced SERENE, and also discussed the activities, which has been undertaken in the Municipality of Przywidz already since many years in order to foster the sustainable development of this exceptional municipality:
As underlined during the interview, many innovative undertakings in the Municipality of Przywidz were facilitated thanks to the cooperation with Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery Polish Academy of Sciences (IMP PAN) from Gdańsk, and recently – mainly thanks to Przywidz’s participation in SERENE– and cooperation with AAU Energy, Universiteit Twente and Saxion University of Applied Sciences.
Episode 15.02.2023 Raport Gospodarczy