Horizon Results Booster (HRB) is an initiative of the European Commission that aims to maximize the impact of research projects funded by FP7, Horizon 2020, or Horizon Europe programmes. It brings together HRB advisory organizations and research projects to help them improve their exploitation strategies through a provision of targeted consultancy services, supported by comprehensive set of tools and methodologies. The services are provided to projects free of charge.
To ensure that the exploitation of SERENE’s results will be done in the best possible manner, members of the SERENE Dissemination and Exploitation Board (DEB) have applied for a selection of services under the HRB initative.
As a result, SERENE Partners have already completed PDES Module C service: ”Portfolio Dissemination & Exploitation Strategy: Improving existing exploitation strategy”. Thanks to this service, project Partners have identified ”Key Exploitable Results (KERs)” of SERENE, and have chosen 3, which underwent a thorough analysis, using HRB tools and methodology in terms of its strategy of exploitation.
Next, SERENE H2020 project partners selected one KER to undergo the ”Business Plan Development” BPD service. It provided the dedicated consultancy with respect to the development of Business Plan for the KER under consideration. Interestingly, the latter service has come to the end with a final exercise entitled “Pitching in practice”. It turned out to be a very inspirational experience not only for the business partners of SERENE, but also to all of those who „dared” to “pitch” on various project related topics on the 15th of September 2023.
SERENE Partners are now looking forward to the last HRB service that they applied for, namely: PDES Module A Service: ”Portfolio Dissemination & Exploitation Strategy: Identifying and creating the portfolio of R&I project results”, which will be kicked-off in the middle of October 2023.