We are proud to inform that works carried out within SERENE project were recently disseminated during the 57th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC 2022), which was hosted by Istanbul Technical University and Kadir Has University between 30th August and 2nd September 2022 at Istanbul Technical University (ITU), Istanbul, Turkey.
Mr Bahman Ahmadi, PhD Candidate at the University of Twente, presented there two papers entitled “Multi-Objective Optimization Framework for Integration of Distributed Energy Resources in Smart Communities” and “Multi-objective Advanced Grey Wolf Optimization Framework for Smart Charging Scheduling of EVs in Distribution Grids”. Mr Ahmadi aknowledged his colleagues from the University of Twente (prof. Johann Hurink, Gerwin Hoogsteen, Aditya Pappu, and Nataly Bañol Arias) for contributing to this work, which was carried out under SERENE H2020 project.