Weronika Radziszewska from Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery Polish Academy of Sciences (IMP PAN)|KEZO Research Centre PAS was among the panelists of a session entitled: “Green public transport. Creating infrastructure for electromobility and RES in transport” at the Polish Climate Congress 2023|Polski Kongres Klimatyczny|Central Northern European Climate Summit (CNE Climate Summit) held on 16-17 March 2023 in Warsaw.
Weronika Radziszewska talked about the impact of SERENE H2020 project in terms of promotion of electromobility, which constitutes an important part of the project and particularly the case of the Polish demonstration site in the Municipality pf Przywidz.
Polski Kongres Klimatyczny is the recurring event, and 2023 edition focused on the challenges of the new climatic goals in context of the current geopolitical situation. The event hosted 20 discussion panels and over a 100 of experts from business, local administration, public institutions, foundations and associations.
It is worth adding that this year’s Central European Northern Climate Summit has awarded CINEA – European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency as “Leader of the Energy Transition”! The reward was receipt by Mrs Beatrice Coda, Head of Unit at DG Energy, who was among the speakers.
More about this excellent event:
Polski Kongres Klimatyczny: https://www.
CNE Climate Summit: https://www.
Photos by Polski Kongres Klimatyczny