SERENE is actively approaching citizens to encourage their participation. ENERGA-OPERATOR SA (SERENE partner) organised two educational events for children on the 31st of May’22. During only one day, the venue was visited by 800 children aged from 2 to 15!
The aim of an educational event entitled “Safe land of Energa-Operator” (in Polish: “Bezpieczna Kraina Energa-Operator”) was to educate about the magnetism, electricity and how to safely interact with electrical equipment. On the same day also the 3rd edition of “Markowy Maluch” was organised – a program for integrating the local community, where local artists and handicraft people make clothes and toys for newly born children in the municipality.
SERENE H2020 project partners from Poland, namely: ENERGA-OPERATOR SA, Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery Polish Academy of Sciences (IMP PAN) & its KEZO Research Centre PAS and Gmina Przywidz organised a SERENE project stand on this occasion. Visitors (mainly parents of participating children) could learn about the project and sign the consent for providing data for the SERENE project.